Autumn's Halloween
Autumn's Halloween
The beginning of a big adventure!
One day a young fox named Fitch awakens in a mysterious land called Autumn. Fitch, all alone, in a place he does not recognise, must find his way back home, back to Summer. He happens upon a new friend and sets off on a journey to find his world. Encountering many strange and magical things, Fitch learns a lot on his adventure but, would it be enough to get him back?
Winter's Christmas
Winter's Christmas
It seems that the hunt for Summer continues!
The orange sea of leaves has been blown away and replaced with a soft yet crunchy coat of snow. The vortex within the Great Tree did not bring Fitch’s adventure to an end. Now, he and Speedy find themselves in a land unfamiliar to both of them.
Spring's Easter
Spring's Easter
It seems that another adventure is ahead of them.
The snow has melted, and the flowers have bloomed. Fitch and his friends have travelled through Winter’s vortex and have ended up in a most colourful place. As beautiful as this land is, it is not Summer.
Summer's Vacation
Summer's Vacation
The final Chapter
The sun has finally risen, and Fitch has found his way home! Finally, after a long and dangerous adventure, Fitch and his friends have made it to the sunny land of Summer, where all kinds of delightful things await them.